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Version: 5.2


Storybook enables a kind of frontend-first, component-driven development workflow that we've always wanted. By developing your UI components in isolation, you get to focus exclusively on your UI's needs, saving you from getting too caught up in the details of your API too early.

Storybook also makes debugging a lot easier. You don't have to start the dev server, login as a user, tab through dropdowns, and click buttons just for that one bug to show up. Or render a whole page and make six GraphQL calls just to change the color of a modal. You can set it all up as a story, tweak it there as you see fit, and even test it for good measure.

Getting Started with Storybook

You can start Storybook with yarn rw storybook:

yarn rw storybook

This spins up Storybook on port 7910.

Configuring Storybook

You only have to configure Storybook if you want to extend Redwood's default configuration, which handles things like how to find stories, configuring Webpack, starting Mock Service Worker, etc.

There are three files you can add to your project's web/config directory to configure Storybook: storybook.config.js, storybook.manager.js, and storybook.preview.js. Note that you may have to create the web/config directory:

cd redwood-project/web
mkdir config
touch config/storybook.config.js config/storybook.manager.js config/storybook.preview.js

storybook.config.js configures Storybook's server, storybook.manager.js configures Storybook's UI, and storybook.preview.js configures the way stories render. All of these files get merged with Redwood's default configurations, which you can find in the @redwoodjs/testing package:

  • main.js—gets merged with your project's storybook.config.js
  • manager.js—gets merged with your project's storybook.manager.js
  • preview.js—gets merged with your project's storybook.preview.js

Configuring the Server with storybook.config.js

Since storybook.config.js configures Storybook's server, note that any changes you make require restarting Storybook.

While you can configure any of Storybook server's available options in storybook.config.js, you'll probably only want to configure addons:

module.exports = {
* This line adds all of Storybook's essential addons.
* @see {@link}
addons: ['@storybook/addon-essentials'],

Configuring Rendering with storybook.preview.js

Sometimes you want to change the way all your stories render. It'd be mixing concerns to add that logic to your actual components, and it'd get old fast to add it to every single .stories.js file. Instead decorate all your stories with any custom rendering logic you want in storybook.preview.js.

For example, something you may want to do is add some margin to all your stories so that they're not glued to the top left corner:

export const decorators = [
(Story) => (
<div style={{ margin: '48px' }}>
<Story />

For more, see the Storybook docs on configuring how stories render.

Configuring the UI with storybook.manager.js

Note that some of the changes you make to Storybook's UI require refreshing its cache. The easiest way to do so is when starting Storybook:

yarn rw storybook --no-manager-cache

You can theme Storybook's UI by installing two packages and making a few changes to Redwood's initial configuration.

From the root of your RedwoodJS project:

yarn workspace web add -D @storybook/addons @storybook/theming

Then, we'll configure our theme by creating a storybook.manager.js file. Below we're enabling Storybook's dark theme.

import { addons } from '@storybook/addons'
import { themes } from '@storybook/theming'

theme: themes.dark,

Check out Storybook's theming quickstart for a guide on creating your own theme. You may also want to export your theme to re-use it with Storybook Docs.